Behind the scenes of launching SNOCKER.SHOP

“Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”

I remember first hearing this quote by British philosopher Alan Watts back in 2003 when Leonhard and I were living in East London and I absolutely agree, it is difficult if not impossible. 

Launching our ‘own’ brand has been something that has been brewing in our minds for some time now and the reason - we post-rationalise - as to why we moved to Portugal. We were ready to start in February 2020 and then the world had a reset. So, fast forward to now and we are busy setting up all the steps and products and photos necessary for launching our online shop and physical space.

But this is a tough process and even though we have 20 years experience bringing products to the market, doing it for ourselves has its challenges. And we are the toughest clients we have ever faced. 

So, behind the slick images and the beautiful products is the messy business of what we do. It is not always beautiful, but it is really us and we are here making a go of it. Wish us luck. 

X Karla and Leonhard.


Glimpses of our creative process and our building that is a gloriously slow work-in-progress….


Time to pause and reflect.
